Spice and Wolf: Merchant Meets the Wise Wolf (2024)

Ookami to Koushinryou: Merchant Meets the Wise Wolf / 狼と香辛料 merchant meets the wise wolf


  • Anime: Spice and Wolf: Merchant Meets the Wise Wolf
    © 2024 支倉凍砂・KADOKAWA/ローエン商業組合
    • Giapponese Ookami to Koushinryou: Merchant Meets the Wise Wolf
      Ōkami to Kōshinryō: Merchant Meets the Wise Wolf
      狼と香辛料 merchant meets the wise wolf
      Tipo: Serie TV, 25 (~)
      Stato: In corso
      Pubblicato: 02.04.2024 ‑ ?
      Adattato da: Light Novel
      Staff: Isuna HASEKURA (Original Work), Hijiri SANPEI (Direction), Kevin PENKIN (Music)
      Broadcast: Martedì 01:30 (JST)
    • Inglese Spice and Wolf: Merchant Meets the Wise Wolf
      Stato: In corso
      Pubblicato: 01.04.2024 ‑ ?
    • Italiana Spice and Wolf: Merchant Meets the Wise Wolf
      Stato: In corso
      Pubblicato: 01.04.2024 ‑ ?
      Publisher: Crunchyroll
    • Sinonimi: Spice and Wolf Reboot


Un breve riassunto della trama del Anime «Spice and Wolf: Merchant Meets the Wise Wolf» aiuterebbe molti fan di anime e manga a decidere se vogliono guardare questo show o no. Sai cosa significa «Spice and Wolf: Merchant Meets the Wise Wolf»? Allora sentiti libero di aggiungere una descrizione al nostro database usando il nostro modulo d’inserimento. Non vediamo l’ora di ricevere i tuoi contributi!
Travelling merchant Kraft Lawrence earns his living by selling his wares at good prices in various villages, one of which is Pasloe. Once blessed by the wise harvest goddess Holo, it is becoming more and more independent. As the cornfields gradually produced more crops, little by little, the wise goddess became a myth and, nowadays, only appears in the village’s legends.

One day, when Lawrence passes through Pasloe on his journey, a harvest festival is held in honour of Holo – though it is more tradition than superstition that drives the villagers. This thought soon turns out to be a misconception: that night, Lawrence finds a girl with wolf ears and a tail in his wagon, who quickly turns out to be the wolf goddess Holo herself. She wishes to return to her old hometown in the north – and Lawrence is supposed to help her! Lawrence, on the other hand, could also do with her help as he wants to open his own shop, and her skills could come in handy. So, the adventure of the unlikely duo takes its course …
Der umherziehende Händler Kraft Lawrence lebt davon, seine Waren in den verschiedensten Dörfern zu guten Preisen zu verkaufen. Pasloe ist eines dieser Dörfer. Einst von der weisen Erntegöttin Holo gesegnet, gewinnt es jedoch immer mehr an Eigenständigkeit. Während der Ertrag der Kornfelder stetig zunahm, wurde die weise Göttin zur Legende und Erzählungen über sie tauchen nunmehr in den Sagen des Dorfes auf.

Als Lawrence eines Tages auf seiner Reise wieder durch Pasloe kommt, findet gerade ein Erntedankfest statt, mit dem Holo geehrt wird – doch mehr Tradition als Aberglaube treibt die Dorfbewohner an. Was sich bald als Irrtum herausstellt: In dieser Nacht findet Lawrence in seinem Wagen ein Mädchen mit Ohren und Schwanz, das sich schnell als ebenjene Wolfsgöttin Holo entpuppt. Ihr Wunsch ist es, in ihre alte Heimat im Norden zurückzukehren – und Lawrence soll ihr dabei helfen! Lawrence wiederum könnte ihre Hilfe ebenfalls gut gebrauchen, denn er möchte einen eigenen Laden eröffnen, und dafür könnten ihre Fähigkeiten von großem Nutzen sein. So nimmt das Abenteuer des ungleichen Duos seinen Lauf …
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  • Horo

    I have no fear of watching you grow old while I remain young. I’ll even watch you on your death bed. I am no stranger to death. But your heart is like that of an innocent child. It has always accepted everything about me, without hesitation. Because of that, I am very afraid.

  • Horo

    Men are onions. Many layers and all of them make you cry.

  • Horo

    Even when wolf packs are having a violent war over territory, the forest looks as calm as it always does from a distance.

  • Horo

    Pain makes one wise!

  • Horo

    Stop pouting! You learned something valuable. Remember the lesson, not the disappointment.




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